Boiler Room Ben Affleck Speech
Ben Affleck's speech in Boiler Room
Today we're going to analyze Ben Affleck's famous sales speech in 2000 Movie 'Boiler Room' and learn about the core differences between persuasion and manipulation in sales. In the beginning of the scene Affleck walks into the room and immediately establishes himself as a governing personality by laying claim to a chair at head of the table. Apr 04, 2020 Scene from the movie Boiler room (2000), Jim Young (Ben Affleck) - Firm and job presentation Disclaimer: This is a fan video. Any rights over characters, plot and anything related to this motion.
- >> Yeah group interview, my ass.
- It was like a Hitler Youth rally
in retrospect. - The guy who pitched us, Jim Young,
was the head recruiter there. - >> Okay guys let's go.
- >> Between him and Michael, honestly,
they could sell bubble gum - in the lockjaw ward at Bellevue.
- >> I'm sorry man, this is my seat.
- >> Shit, I'm so sorry
>> It's OK, don't worry about it. - >> Fucking dumbass!
- >> Get the fuck outta here.
- >> What?
- >> Don't talk to me, don't look at me
just pick your ass up - outta that Italian leather chair and
get the fuck out of this room - right now.
- Come on let's go, schleprock! Out!
- That's it.
- We expect everyone here
to treat their co-workers - with a certain level of respect.
- OK, before we get started
I have one question. - Has anyone here passed
the Series Seven exam? - >> I have a Series Seven license
- >> Good for you, you can get out too.
- >> What? Why?
- >> We don't hire brokers here,
we train new ones. - That's it, Skippy: pack your shit let's go.
- OK, here's the deal.
- I'm not here to waste your time.
- OK, I certainly hope you're not here
to waste mine - So I'm going to keep this short.
- Become an employee of this firm,
you will make your first million - within three years.
- OK?
- I'm gonna repeat that: you will make
- a million dollars within three years
of your first day of employment - at JT Marlin.
- There is no question
- as to whether or not
you'll become a millionaire working here. - The only question is how many times over.
- You think I'm joking?
- I'm not joking.
- I am a millionaire.
- It's a weird thing to hear, right?
- Tell you: it's a weird thing to say.
- I am a fucking millionaire.
- Now guess how old I am.
- 27.
- You know what that makes me here?
A fucking senior citizen. - This firm is entirely comprised
of people your age, not mine - Lucky for me, I happen to be
very fucking good at my job - or I'd be out of one.
- You guys are the new blood.
- You're going to go home with the Kecak (?).
- You are the future
big swingin' dicks of this firm. - Now you all look money hungry
and that's good. - Anybody tells you money is
the root of all evil - doesn't fucking have any.
- They say money can't buy happiness:
- look at the fucking smile on my face.
- Ear to ear, baby.
- You want details? Fine:
- I drive a Ferrari 355 Cabriolet.
- What's that?
- I have a ridiculous house in the South Fork.
- I have every toy you can possibly imagine.
- And best of al,l kids, I am liquid.
- So now you know what's possible,
let me tell you what's required. - You are required to work
your fucking ass off at this firm. - We want winners here, not pikers.
- A piker walks at the bell,
- a piker asks how much vacation time
you get in the first year. - Vacation time!
- People come and work at this firm
for one reason: - to become filthy rich: that's it!
- We're not here to make friends.
- We're not saving the fucking manatees
here, guys. - Want vacation time?
Go teach third grade public school. - OK.
- First three months at the firm
as a trainee - -- mm-hmm -- You make $150 a week.
- After you're done training
you take the Series Seven. - You pass that you become a junior broker
- and you're opening accounts
for your team leader. - You open 40 accounts,
start working for yourself: - sky's the limit.
- Word or two about being a trainee.
- Friends, parents, the other brokers,
whoever: - they'll give you shit about it.
- It's true: $150 a week: not a lot of money
- Pay them no mind.
- You need to learn this business
and this is the time to do it. - Once you pass the test
none of that's gonna matter. - your friends will shit.
- 'It's earned me 25 grands last month.'
- They're not gonna fucking believe you.
- Fuck them, fuck off!
- Parents don't like the life you lead?
- Fuck you, Mom and Dad!
- See how it feels when you're making
their fucking Lexus payments. - Now go home and think about it.
- Think about whether or not
this is really for you. - If you decide it isn't,
- listen it's nothing
to be embarrassed about. - It's not for everyone -- mm-hmm, thanks.
- But if you really want this,
you call me on Monday - and we'll talk.
- Just don't waste my fucking time.
- Okay, that's it.
- Title:
- Ben Affleck's speech in Boiler Room
- Description:
- Video Language:
- English
- Duration:
- 04:47
Claude Almansi edited Metadata: Geo subtitles for Ben Affleck's speech in Boiler Room |
Claude Almansi edited Metadata: Geo subtitles for Ben Affleck's speech in Boiler Room |
Claude Almansi edited Metadata: Geo subtitles for Ben Affleck's speech in Boiler Room |
Salesmen and pop culture often portrayed as slick-haired money-grabbing opportunists will say anything to make an extra buck. Simcity buildit hack activation code. Some of our favorite sales roles in movies perpetuate that stereotype. Why do we love those rousing speeches in boiler-room? The abuses showered in Wolf of Wall Street where 100s of sales agents in bullpen are being rallied to lie through their teeth to close their next deal? Here's a few spoiler quotes from the same movie.
'Donβt pitch the b***h' β Greg Weinstein πΉ 'Fine, fine. Iβm gonna take you off my list of successful people today' β Seth Davis πΉ 'And there is no such thing as a no sale call. .. Either way a sale is made, the only question is who is gonna close?' Jim Young.
Let's take a look at the approach these fictional sales leaders used to thrill us into submission. Today we're going to analyze Ben Affleck's famous sales speech in 2000 Movie 'Boiler Room' and learn about the core differences between persuasion and manipulation in sales.
In the beginning of the scene Affleck walks into the room and immediately establishes himself as a governing personality by laying claim to a chair at head of the table. Considering he's a partner at the firm, our favorite part about this movie is that he doesn't even sit in the chair, and before he even gets started he immediately sends two candidates home!
'Dumb a**. Get outta here! You are FIRED'
An engaged audience is easier to persuade than a distracted one. He sends the first guy home for insulting a fellow applicant. He sends the second one home by claiming that the position is a training program. From the audience's perspective sending 2 people out of the room when he first walks in, takes care of persuasive principles authority his actions.
![Boiler Room Ben Affleck Speech Boiler Room Ben Affleck Speech](
Command the undivided attention from everyone in the room. Scarcity increases the value of those who stand remaining in the line. Anyone who didn't get sent home will now be cautious to be on the winning side of the selective process. So here's a bucket list of traits.,
β Establish social debt, a need to pay back in some way.
β Established as a person of power.
β Secure the attention of his audience.
β Reinforce these concepts.
β Evoke an emotional response to underlying motivator.
β Use of influence.
β Hit people with a harsh reality.
And, here's where the speech moves away from persuasion and into manipulation Mount and blade warband shield bash.
'You will make your 1 Mn within 3 years from now' -> Hook!
Everyone is so charmed about the idea of becoming a millionaire that no one is thinking about who will actually survive long enough to get there, nor are they thinking about the tough sacrifices they'll have to endure to reach such a desired status.
'Now y'all look money hungry and that's good. '
![Boiler room scene Boiler room scene](
In this is tremendous in the world of sales how can someone look money hungry? What he's doing here is taking advantage of their new emotional state by telling them exactly who they are so they don't need to think for themselves their focus is distracted by his bold statement.
'I drive a Ferrari'
He proceeds to vividly describe the extent of his wealth in order to allow his audience to picture themselves in his shoes. This is the sizzle! In the phrase selling the sizzle, his embellishments are exciting but more importantly he makes them feel within a hand's reach.
'I am a millionaire. I guess how old I am 27 '
It's worth is a weird thing, and puts him on their level sharing his own wonder and delight in his success. Everyone in the room is thinking to themselves - He now has his prospect fantasizing about their new potential future, and he can now establish what he wants.
'Now you know what's possible. Lemme tell what's required'
This is the part of his opening line that introduces the reality of what it takes to actually secure their desired goal.
'You're required to work your ass off here.. Work hard'
He starts with a very logical and completely obvious requirement of becoming a millionaire in his firm. He reinforces the necessity of hard work by creating an 'us versus everyone' else perspective.
'We want winners here not pickers.'
He's polarizing the room to position his next statements to be accepted quickly and without much consideration. When asked how much time you get in the first year, this gets registered by the candidates. And, closure statement β 'I don't want to be a picker so I guess I don't really need a vacation' makes sense what commitment means working in their firm.
'You make $150 a week. Your team leader will open 40 accounts. Start working for yourself. Sky's the limit. 3 months of committing full-time work for less than half a typical minimum wage. After that, you have the privilege of working for yourself.'
The Boiler Room Ben Affleck Speech
It's a pretty crazy setup and he knows it which is why he has to sell it and it's why his speech is so interesting. But he's not done the high of becoming a millionaire, and is slowly fading with the serious commitment.
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He reinforced a group mentality of 'How to become a Millionare' to prepare the team to expect and then rejected any outside influences that may stand between their shared goals. He uses elitism, exclusivity and emotional exploits to sell a dream to new recruits.
These new hires will work themselves to the bone for this firm and isolate themselves from their loved ones because of a carefully crafted speech. We as an audience might be energized and enchanted by the confidence in his manipulation and the speech work is intended.
Okay, that's it folks. Transport phenomena fundamentals plawsky solutions manual. We all got sold to want to learn more about sales theory and pop culture, perhaps? Be sure to subscribe to get notified of our next post.
Keep hustling folks.