Getamped Skin Korea

(No download links/file sharing, only exclusive on GetAmped 2 US's Skin BB)-Kirito (1.1). Hi, I'm Korean in Korea is enjoying getampe2. Sparks really would like to have your skin! Dareuni country. Without it I hope, please let me share. Send us your skin for a. FogsFighters Slangenvuist Game play Korea Getamped new style Battlemage Getamped 'Skin Makers' skins update 29/07 Korea. Getamped Face Free Getamped Shirt Free Anime Skin Download D.Gray-Man Naruto Skin Yu-Gi-Oh Pokemon Skin Keroro Audition Skin Downloads. Sep 26, 2006 – The No.1 GetAmped Skin Source. Home. GetAmped - 3D Online Action Fighting Game which enjoys growing number of registered users, currently around 26 million in total across Asian countries, including Korea, a major online game market in which GetAmped has been a great success since 2002.› Getamped Skin Korea █ █ Apr 3, 2014 - Introduce Getamped History When It's come to the korean, That's popularity is week. Crack Licencias Terminal Server 2012 R2. When 2004 Years, It's very Popularity by many Korean. Character It's a Basic Character → Play Movie ↑ Member of the National Team of Korean Getamped Made by Cyberstep from Japan Company Getamped It's Come to Korea 2002 Years Getamped is a Fighting Game That's a Representative Fighting Games. But, Getamped is a little Different. Skin It's a Main Funny Of Getamped.

Getamped Skin Korean


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Getamped Skin Korea Korean

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page updated : July 24, 2005

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GetAmped Online Fighting

Game - Free Skins!

Check out KICK ASS Inc.'s collections of self-made skins for the characters in GetAmped Fighting Online game!

Also some important links and (free ids

for tests). All in here, VadisWorld Gallery and photo gallery! Enjoy!

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GetAmped Faces Pages : Page 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05

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GetAmped FREE Skins - Made by Vadis

Vadis' Original Characters

Michael Lee in Guess? Shirt

Michael Lee - X-Scar with green trousers

Michael Lee - X-Scar with red trousers

Policewoman in Pink Bikini

Policewoman in Green Bikini

Policewoman in Divinely Sexy Space Uniform

Policewoman in Xtremely Sexy Space Uniform

Policewoman in Outrageously Sexy Uniform

Policewoman in Britney Spears Tank Top

Popular Models


The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

Gollum from Lord Of The Rings

Superman (very rough one but it's okay)

The Incredible Hulk (looks like Grinch, though)

Arnold Schwarzenegger (Original GetAmped)

Popular Models (Updated Jul 24, 2005)

Kenshin Himura from Samurai X

Harry Potter ver. 01 - Without Glasses & Hat

Harry Potter ver. 02 - With Glasses, w/o Hat

Harry Potter ver. 03 - With Glasses & Hat

Ron Weasley ver. 01 - Without Hat

Hermione Granger ver. 01

Hermione Granger ver. 02

Hermione Granger ver. 03

Star Wars Series (Updated Jul 26, 2005)

Anakin Skywalker

Darth Maul in da hood

Darth Maul - baldie no spikey on head

Master Jedi - Mace Windu

Darth Sidious (Updated Aug 3, 2005)

Master Jedi - Yoda (Updated Aug 6, 2005)

Soccer Shirts Series vol. 01

AC Milan : Rui Costa

AC Milan : Andriy Shevchenko

Arsenal : Thierry Henry

Arsenal : Thierry Henry (worn by Michael Lee)

Juventus : Alessandro del Piero

Juventus : Lillian Thuram

Links to Other GetAmped Skins Page

Yandoydoy's Page

Vadis' Skin Preview Photos

GetAmped Indonesian Community

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