Jedi Academy Enable Cheats
Search for more answers for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy or ask your own question here. Add your answer Please be as detailed as you can when making an answer. Jedi Academy 1080p Fix A Mod for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy / Game files / Patches & Updates. This fix allows the game to run in 1080p. There is some minor stretching in the UI, but the gameplay. Superkid here, IF YOU HAVE JKJA AND WANT TO KNOW HOW I USE CHEATS THIS IS THE VID FOR YOU RIGHT HERE! Hitachi zaxis 30 service manual. Since I'm too lazy to make a annotation here's how you. There are two types of cheats, SINGLE PLAYER, and MULTI-PLAYER. Note that some of these may not work if you have later versions of Jedi Academy. Note that many of the cheats are not listed, only the important ones. These will be listed in alphabetical order.
Double-bladed lightsaberWhile playing the game in multi-player mode, press [Shift] + ~ to display the console window. Type 'devmap [mapname]' to enable cheat mode. When the map loads, select your lightsaber, then holster it and type '/thedestroyer' in the console window.
Cheat CodesWhile playing the game, press [Shift] + ~ to display the console window. Type 'helpusobi 1' or 'devmapall' to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: If the console window does not appear, edit the 'jk2config.cfg' file in the 'gamedatabase' folder and add the line: bind ~ 'toggleconsole'.
Jedi Academy Enable Cheats
Result | Cheat Code |
God mode | god |
All weapons and maximum health and armor | give all |
All weapons | give weapons |
Full ammunition | give ammo |
Full health | give health |
Full armor | give armor |
Full force bar | give force |
Full inventory | give inventory |
Full battery bar | give batteries |
999 health | undying |
No clipping mode | noclip |
Disable enemy AI | notarget |
Spawn indicated weapon | give weaponnum [weapon number] |
Spawn indicated item | spawn [item name] |
Level select | map [level name] |
Drive AT-ST in third person view | drive_atst |
Destroy all AT-STs1 | use atst_death |
Crash game | fly_xwing |
Screenshot, without console window | levelshot |
Screenshot, including console window | screenshot |
Wireframe display | r_showtris ! |
Place camera at indicated coordinates | setviewpos [x] [y] [z] [yaw] |
Use Force Heal ability | force_heal |
Set Force Jump level | setforcejump [1-3] |
Set Force Heal level | setforceheal [1-3] |
Set Force Push level | setforcepush [1-3] |
Set Force Pull level | setforcepull [1-3] |
Set Force Speed level | setforcespeed [1-3] |
Set Force Grip level | setforcegrip [1-3] |
Set Force Lightning level | setforcelightning [1-3] |
Set Force level for all abilities | setforceall [1-3] |
Set lightsaber throw level | setsaberthrow [1-3] |
Set lightsaber offensive level | setsaberoffense [1-3] |
Set lightsaber defensive level | setsaberdefense [1-3] |
Set lightsaber color | sabercolor [red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple] |
Disable lightsaber dismemberment | g_dismemberProbabilities 0 |
Enable lightsaber dismemberment, only if 'ui_iscensored = 0' in configuration | g_dismemberment 1 |
Max Payne-style bullettime | thereisnospoon |
Kill all NPCs | npc kill all |
Kyle taunts2 | taunt |
Kyle does victory pose2 | victory |
Reveal where indicated entity is located | where [classname] |
No noticeable effect | give eweaps |
Control any ally that is following you | control [NPC name] |
Suicide | kill |
Unknown | com_speeds ! |
Unknown | r_speeds ! |
Unknown | nav |
Unknown | exitview |
Unknown | setobjective [objective number] [display status] [status] |
Unknown | viewobjective [objective number] |
-Some codes from:,, and

Star Wars Jedi Academy Cheats Xbox 360

Jedi Academy How To Enable Cheats
Use one of the following values with the 'spawn [item name]' code:
- item_bacta
- misc_atst_drivable
Nintendo Switch Jedi Academy Cheats
Level namesUse one of the following values with the 'map [level name]' code:
Jedi Academy Enable Cheats Multiplayer
- kejim_post
- kejim_base
- artus_mine
- artus_detention
- artus_topside
- valley
- yavin_temple
- yavin_trial
- ns_streets
- ns_hideout
- ns_starpad
- bespin_undercity
- bespin_streets
- bespin_platform
- cairn_bay
- cairn_assembly
- cairn_reactor
- cairn_dock1
- doom_comm
- doom_detention
- doom_shields
- yavin_swamp
- yavin_canyon
- yavin_courtyard
- yavin_final
- pit
- ctf_bespin
- ctf_imperial
- ctf_ns_streets
- ctf_yavin
- duel_bay
- duel_jedi
- duel_pit
- duel_carbon
- ffa_bespin
- ffa_deathstar
- ffa_imperial
- ffa_ns_hideout
- ffa_ns_streets
- ffa_raven
- ffa_yavin