Pokemon Battle Revolution All Pokemon Save File

Pokémon Battle Revolution doesn’t particularly stand out nowadays, despite being one of the first ways to Wi-Fi battle in full, beautiful 3D. It has no story mode, mini-games, or trade functionality, but it does have something that other Pokémon games lack: an exclusive look into the development of Diamond and Pearl. Wait, what?

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  1. Pokemon Battle Revolution All Pokemon Save File On 3ds
  2. Pokemon Battle Revolution Dolphin

Recently Pokemon have announced that when you save your Pokemon X or Y game in certain spots of Luminose City, when trying to load the game back up, it will freeze and you will be forced to start a new save file. How can YOU avoid this? This guide will tell you. For all the details of this issue, click on this link. The problem with making the battle mechanics the end-all-be-all is that you have to circle back around to how much you can do with the games themselves. Joe/Jane public won't beat Stadium 1 or 2 with rentals, but they can actually play most of the game they bought with most of the Pokemon they bought it to battle with. WELCOME TO OUR POKEMON BATTLE REVOLUTION LETS PLAY!! Thank you guys SO much for watching as always, and be sure to hit the like button, comment, and subscribe for more content.

While looking for possible connections to a list found within Pokémon Home (you gotta go all the way back sometimes), we meandered into the files of the NTSC version of Battle Revolution and peeked into the sound folder. Gehl 880 mower conditioner manual. If you happen to have a backup of PBR, you can take a look for yourself, too. There among the music and sound files are, naturally, all 493 of the Pokémon cries.

Yes, a sort of… “cry list”. Oh, how we love our cry lists. This time, however, it isn’t about what order the Pokémon were placed in. The cries are neatly organized in Pokédex order, and labeled with their romaji Japanese names. What is so important about this list is that, well, several of the names of the Generation 4 Pokemon are different. Some of them, in fact, are oddly familiar…

Many of the names are incredibly short and/or basic. They sound like placeholders before better names were created for them. For your convenience, we’ve recreated the list:

FilenamePossible kana nameFinal Japanese nameFinal English nameNotes
naetorunaetoru ナエトルTurtwig
hayasigamehayashigame ハヤシガメGrotle
morigameモリガメdodaitosu ドダイトスTorterraMori = forest, game = turtle. Very rudimentary
hikozaruhikozaru ヒコザルChimchar
moukazarumoukazaru モウカザルMonferno
goukazarugoukazaru ゴウカザルInfernape
pottyamapocchama ポッチャマPiplup
whottaヲッターpottaishi ポッタイシPrinplupWater?
enperioエンペリオenperuto エンペルトEmpoleonSeems like a small spelling change
mukudoriムクドリmukkuru ムックルStarlyDori is from tori, bird
mukubaadomukubaado ムクバードStaravia
mukuhookumukuhooku ムクホークStaraptor
biibaaビーバーbippa ビッパBidoofJust sounds like beaver
biibaruビーバルbiidaru ビーダルBibarelAlso sounds like beaver
kobosiコボシkorobooshi コロボーシKricketot
koororinコーロリンkorotokku コロトックKricketune
patitiパチチkorinku コリンクShinxProbably comes from pachipachi, a sparking sound
batitiバチチrukushio ルクシオLuxioBachibachi
batibattiバチバッチrentoraa レントラーLuxraySame pun as Luxio
subomiisubomii スボミーBudew
rozureidorozureido ロズレイドRoserade
patikiパチキzugaidosu ズガイドスCranidosFrom pachycephalosaur
patikinguパチキングramuparudo ラムパルドRampardosPachycephalosaur + king
tatetopusutatetopusu タテトプスShieldon
toridepusutoridepusu トリデプスBastiodon
minomuttiminomucchi ミノムッチBurmy
minomesuミノメスminomadamu ミノマダムWormadamMesu means female, fitting with the theme. Can be seen in the debug Diamond files
gaameirugaameiru ガーメイルMothim
hekisagonヘキサゴンmitsuhanii ミツハニーCombeeHexagon…
kuinbiiクインビーbiikuin ビークインVespiquenName reversed
patirissuパチリッスpachirisu パチリスPachirisuDoubled the S
buizerubuizeru ブイゼルBuizel
buizerugaブイゼルガfurozeruFloatzelProbably a placeholder
theririnチェリリンcherinbo チェリンボCherubiJust a different cute cherry name
therisyuチェリシュcherimu チェリムCherrimcherish?
siiusiシーウシkaranakushi カラナクシShellosSea ushi = sea cow. This is a pun on ウミウシ umiushi, sea cucumber. Can be seen in the debug Diamond files
siidorugoシードルゴtoritodon トリトドンGastrodonSea dorugo = Sea Dolgo (kaiju). Can be seen in the debug Diamond files
biipamuビーパムeteboosu エテボースAmbipomA palm, B palm
huusenフーセンfuwante フワンテDrifloonIt just means balloon
barubonバルボンfuwaraido フワライドDrifblimBall?
minittoミニットmimiroru ミミロルBunearyMini + to.?
baanittoバーニットmimiroppu ミミロップLopunnyBunny + to?
muumaouムウマオウmuumaaji ムウマージMismagiusMuuma + maou (devil)
donkarasudonkarasu ドンカラスHonchkrow
rizumhiリズムヒnyarumaa ニャルマーGlameowRhythm?
kyattoraキャットラbunyatto ブニャットPuruglyIt sounds like a mix of cat and tora, tiger. Hopefully this wasn’t another Kotora attempt
ririinリリーンriishan リーシャンChingling
sukanpuusukanpuu スカンプーStunky
sukatankusukatanku スカタンクSkuntank
seidooセイドーdoomiraa ドーミラーBronzorCould be a pun on sei (spirit) and dou (copper/bronze)
dootakundootakun ドータクンBronzong
usohatiusohachi ウソハチBonsly
manenemanene マネネMime Jr.
korakkiiコラッキーpinpuku ピンプクHappinyLiterally “child Lucky (Chansey)”
perappuperappu ペラップChatot
mikageミカゲmikaruge ミカルゲSpiritombExtra ru
doranドランfukamaru フカマルGibleCould these be a pun on do, “ground”?


gabaito ガバイトGabite
doraguonドラグオンgaburiasu ガブリアスGarchomp
gonbegonbe ゴンべMunchlax
rukaルカrioru リオルRioluSounds like an early placeholder name. Can you guess which one was created first?
rukariorukario ルカリオLucario
zimezouジメゾウhipopotasu ヒポポタスHippopotasJime seems to be short for jimen, ground. Zou could be from elephant, possibly indicating it was originally an elephant
zimedonジメドンkabarudon カバルドンHippowdonDon from mastodon? If we follow the elephant theory
sukoopiiスコーピーsukorupi スコルピSkorupiScorpy
dorapiondorapion ドラピオンDrapion
guregguグレッグguregguru グレッグルCroagunkMaybe it was changed because it sounds like Greg…?
dokuroggudokuroggu ドクロッグToxicroak
haezigokuハエジゴクmasukippa マスキッパCarnivineHaejigoku (literally Fly Hell) is a name for the Venus Flytrap
uottoウオットkeikouo ケイコウオFinneonUo means fish
gyottoギョットneoranto ネオラントLumineonGyo means fish
tamantatamanta タマンタMantyke
yukikaburiyukikaburi ユキカブリSnover
yukinoooyukinooo ユキノオーAbomasnow
manyuuramanyuura マニューラWeavile
dekakoiruデカコイルjibakoiru ジバコイルMagnezoneDeka means big
berorionベロリオンberoberuto べロベルトLickilicky
dosaidondosaidon ドサイドンRhyperior
mozyanbomojanbo モジャンボTangrowth
erekiburuerekiburu エレキブルElectivire
buubaanbuubaan ブーバーンMagmortar
togeonトゲオンtogekissu トゲキッスTogekiss“-eon” and “-ion” were often used for the new evolutions here, only Gliscor (Guraion) kept this suffix.
yanmaooヤンマオウmegayanma メガヤンマYanmegaOo means “king”
riifiリーフィriifia リーフィアLeafeonThe same as its SW97 name
aisiaアイシアgureishia グレイシアGlaceonIcia doesn’t have the same ring to it
guraionguraion グライオンGliscor
manmuumanmuu マンムーMamoswine
porigonzporigonz ポリゴンZPorygon-Z
kirurionキルリオンerureido エルレイドGalladeSounds like Kiruria (Kirlia) and kiru (cut)
biggunozuビッグノズdainoozu ダイノーズProbopass“Dai” means “big”, so…
yonowaaruyonowaaru ヨノワールDusknoir
yukimenokoyukimenoko ユキメノコFroslass
purazumaプラズマrotomu ロトムRotom
Plasma, its species name. “pa-ru-su-ma-n” and “pu-ra-su-ma” are similar in structure, so it may be a Pulseman reference.
reiレイyukushii ユクシーUxie“Rei” means “spirit”
aiアイemuritto エムリットMesprit“Ai” means “love”
haiハイagunomu アグノムAzelf“Hai” probably means “faith”
iadiaruga ディアルガDialga“ia” in “Diamond”
eaparukia パルキアPalkia“ea” in “Pearl”
hiidoranhiidoran ヒードランHeatran
rezikinguレジキングrejigigasu レジギガスRegigigasRegi King
kimairanキマイランgiratina ギラティナGiratinaSounds like “chimera”. Shares the -ran suffix with Heatran; both are encountered in the postgame.
muubasuムーバスkureseria クレセリアCresseliaPossibly from “moon”
erufiエルフィfione フィオネPhioneName is closer in structure to Manaphy. Elf is a descriptor similar to Sea Angel…
manafimanafi マナフィManaphy
daakuダークdaakurai ダークライDarkrai
eurisuエウリスsheimi シェイミShayminSounds like “Eris” and maybe “risu” (squirrel)
ausuアウスaruseusu アルセウスArceusThis one is really weird. Seems to be a shortened form of its final name, possibly a reference to Australopithecus…?

These names shed some light on the interesting process of naming Pokemon, and inspire a lot of questions about how these Pokemon were thought up in the first place. Monsters with particularly intriguing name changes include “Kimairan” Giratina, who perhaps once resembled a chimera, the mysterious “Eurisu” Shaymin, and “Zimezou” Hippopotas, potentially having been a different species altogether.

Battle Revolution came out in Japan in December 2006, only 3 months after Diamond and Pearl’s release. It’s likely that Genius Sonority worked in tandem with the DP team as both games were being created. Due to the division of labor and the creative process of ‘coming up with better names,’ the cries were probably finished before all of the names were finalized, and then the same list was imported into Battle Revolution to use for the cries there. The files may or may not have been updated with the final names before Diamond and Pearl came out, but that’s for Game Freak to know, and not us.

In addition, we noted in the list that Minomesu, Siiusi, and Siidorugo exist in in the Diamond debug cart’s text strings. You can’t find it in the debug functions or interface at all, but here is a screenshot from dumped text:

To push the envelope, “Siiusi Save Data” is a debug string still present in the final game, most likely related to Shellos’s two location-based forms. It also shows us the proper kana for the prototype name:

In conclusion, we hope this little nugget hidden inside Battle Revolution inspires you to look under overlooked rocks sometimes, especially if those rocks are Pokemon-related.

Pokemon battle revolution all pokemon save file orasPokemon
Pokémon Battle Revolution
Developer(s)Genius Sonority
The Pokémon Company
Director(s)Manabu Yamana
Producer(s)Hiroyuki Jinnai
Hiroaki Tsuru
Designer(s)Kuniko Kobashi
Hiroyoshi Kasama
Programmer(s)Teruhito Yamaki
Composer(s)Tsukasa Tawada
  • JP: December 14, 2006
  • NA: June 25, 2007
  • AU: November 22, 2007
Genre(s)Turn based Fighting
Mode(s)Single-player, multiplayer, multiplayer online

Pokémon Battle Revolution (ポケモンバトルレボリューション, Pokemon Batoru Reboryūshon) is the first Wii incarnation of the Pokémon video game franchise. It is also the first Wii game to use the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection in North America and Japan and the second Wii game to wirelessly interact with the Nintendo DS handheld.[citation needed]

Pokémon Battle Revolution features eleven different colosseums in a Pokémon-themed park called Pokétopia.[1] Other features include stadiums that have their own special effects, such as randomizing the order of one's Pokémon. Some other effects are choosing the order of an opponent's Pokémon and setting level limitations.


The game features 11 different colosseums, each with special changes to normal play or prerequisites and a Colosseum Leader. The Crystal Colosseum holds battles in a 16-person single-elimination tournament mode. The Gateway Colosseum is only open to a rental pass holder, and Neon Colosseum uses a wheel to choose the player's and opponent's battling Pokémon. As the player progresses, the Pokémon available to rent become more powerful. The player also earns Poké-Coupons, the currency of this game. Coupons can be spent to customize the player character's in-game appearance with items such as apparel, face paint, and hair color. Unlike Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the game doesn't have a story mode.

A double battle: Dialga and Palkia against Kyogre and Groudon as featured in Nintendo Power.

Pokémon attacks are also much more diverse, with each Pokémon acquiring its own animation for most moves in the game. Some animations feature both the attacking and defending Pokémon on screen at the same time. In previous console titles, the game only showed one Pokémon attacking and then cut away to the second getting hit by the attack.

Along with connectivity to the Nintendo DS games, a player can win Pokémon from this game and transfer them back to their DS games through Mystery Gift. This feature allows players to obtain Pokémon that are either hard or impossible to get without using a cheat device. To unlock the Pokémon, players must achieve certain goals or enter a special code. A Pikachu with the special moves Volt Tackle and Surf can be obtained by beating each Colosseum once, whereas an Electivire and a Magmortar can be obtained via special codes. In addition to the Pokémon download, players can purchase items like certain Technical Machines and evolution items.

Online functionality[edit]

Pokémon Battle Revolution is the first Pokémon home console title to go online in the United States as well as the first online game for the Wii console. It features two online modes; Battle with a Friend, which allows a player to battle a friend using a friend code,[2] and Battle with Someone, which lets the player face off against a random opponent.[3] After each random battle, players are given the chance to exchange trainer passes. The exchange must be mutual; it will not work if one of the two trainers refuses.

Nintendo DS controls cannot be used in online multiplayer. When playing random online battles, the player's trainer's custom greetings and Pokémon nicknames are all changed to its native nation's defaults; for example, a Japanese Magikarp (コイキング, Koiking) will show its Japanese name instead of its English one. All Pokémon (excluding Generation 5 and on) are allowed in random battles.


The game can connect with players' copies of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl on their Nintendo DS consoles.

The game was first announced by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata at a Nintendo marketing event in Japan on June 7, 2006.[4][5] At the event, Iwata described Wii-to-DS connectivity using the game as an example, stating that gamers with either Pokémon Diamond and/or Pearl can play battles using their Diamond/Pearl Pokémon in Pokémon Battle Revolution, using their DS as a controller.[6]

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The DS linkup feature was accessible at 2006 Nintendo World Tour for the first time. As well as allowing Pokémon from a Pokémon Diamond or Pearl cartridge to be used in-game, it replaces the on-screen battle menu used in conjunction with the Wii Remote. The GameCube controller is not compatible with this game. The battle menu is displayed on the DS touchscreen instead, and it is navigated with the stylus. Four players can play in a 1-on-1 tournament much like the Battle Frontier Battle Dome in Pokémon Emerald.[7]


Pokémon Battle Revolution received mixed reviews from critics. It received a score of 5.0 out of 10 from IGN,[8] which cites that the game omits several features demonstrated in previous games like Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Colosseum, such as a role-playing mode. The multiplayer and online functionality of the game is also criticized for lacking functions such as tournament play. GameSpot gave the game a mediocre 5.5 out of 10 score, criticizing the repetitive gameplay and the barebones online support, as well as the fact that if one did not have Pokémon Diamond or Pearl for the DS, there is not nearly as much to do.[9]Game Informer rated it a 5.75 out of 10 saying the same things as GameSpot, and adding their own comment about a tutorial that taught you how to point the Wii Remote.[10]Nintendo Power rated it a 6.5 out of 10, praising the game's multiplayer while criticizing its lack of single player features. Famitsu gave a positive review to the game, with a score of 35 out of 40. Another positive review is from Game Oracle who gave 75% who praised the online mode, graphics, and soundtrack. They criticised it for not being as good as XD: Gale of Darkness and the necessity of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl to open the entire game experience.[11] The game currently has a 53.19% average of 34 aggregated reviews on both GameRankings,[12] and Metacritic.[13]

It sold 850,000 copies in North America and Western Europe[14] and 352,123 copies in Japan,[15] bringing its total sales to 1.202 million.


  1. ^'コロシアム|ポケモンバトルレボリューション|Wii|ゲーム|ポケットモンスターオフィシャルサイト' (in Japanese). Pokémon Pocket Monsters Official Site. 2006-11-18. Archived from the original on 2013-01-29. Retrieved 2006-11-18.
  2. ^'IGN: Pokémon Battle Revolution Preview'. IGN. 2006-12-14. Archived from the original on 2013-01-29. Retrieved 2007-02-19.
  3. ^'IGN: Pokémon Battle Revolution Preview'. IGN. 2007-05-25. Archived from the original on 2013-01-29. Retrieved 2007-05-25.
  4. ^'Wiiの発売日、価格の発表は9月。WiiとDSの連動は『ポケモン』から' (in Japanese). Famitsu. Archived from the original on 2013-01-29. Retrieved 2006-06-07.
  5. ^Sullivan, Meghan; Matt Casamassina (2006-06-07). 'New Pokémon Announced'. IGN. Archived from the original on 2012-08-04. Retrieved 2006-06-07.
  6. ^Gantayat, Anoop (2006-06-07). 'Connectivity Returns'. IGN. Archived from the original on 2012-08-04. Retrieved 2006-06-07.
  7. ^'DSバトルモード | ポケモンバトルレボリューション | Wii | ゲーム | ポケットモンスターオフィシャルサイト' (in Japanese). Pokémon Pocket Monsters Official Site. 2006-11-18. Archived from the original on 2013-01-29. Retrieved 2007-02-19.
  8. ^Bozon (2007-07-27). 'Pokémon Battle Revolution Review'. IGN. Archived from the original on 2013-01-29. Retrieved 2007-07-29.
  9. ^David, Ryan (2007-07-02). 'Pokémon Battle Revolution for Wii Review'. GameSpot. Archived from the original on 2007-09-29. Retrieved 2007-07-03.
  10. ^Reeves, Ben. 'Pokémon Battle Revolution Review'. Game Informer. Archived from the original on June 10, 2009. Retrieved December 10, 2020.
  11. ^Allcroft, Adam (2008-09-08). 'Pokémon Battle Revolution Review'. Oracle Company. Archived from the original on 2013-01-29.
  12. ^'Pokémon Battle Revolution reviews'. Game Rankings. Archived from the original on 2007-07-04. Retrieved 2007-06-29.
  13. ^'Metacritic: Pokémon Battle Revolution'. Metacritic. Archived from the original on 2013-01-29. Retrieved 2008-03-06.
  14. ^'The Top 100 Selling Games of the Last 12 Months'. Edge. 2008-04-10. Retrieved 2009-07-24.[permanent dead link]
  15. ^'Nintendo Wii Japanese Ranking'. Famitsu. Japan Game Charts. Archived from the original on 2008-08-05. Retrieved 2009-07-24.

Pokemon Battle Revolution All Pokemon Save File On 3ds

External links[edit]

  • Official Pokémon Battle Revolution webpage (North America)
  • Official Pokémon Battle Revolution webpage(in Japanese)

Pokemon Battle Revolution Dolphin

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