Tascam Us 1641 Drivers For Mac
If anybody have any suggestions that would be fantastic, I seem to have exhausted every avenue!
I'm using the Tascam US 1641 and Ableton Live.
I am not permitted to post URLs here as of yet due to site restrictions, but if you do a quick Google search you can find the product on the Tascam site along with the list of drivers/firmware that I have been struggling with.
With the hardware, all inputs/outputs are seemingly fine, everything appropriately connected, all volumes turned up (headphones, mixer etc.). I dont think the problem is with the hardware itself.
I installed the latest possible US 1641 driver and firmware from the downloads page on the site.
The Mac system settings are showing that the input from the interface is being received. Also, when I try recording on Garageband it both picks up the signal and records successfully.
This would suggest that the problem lies with Ableton, however I've selected the US 1641 as the Input and Output in the Ableton Preferences with no luck. No input signal in the Audio track. I checked that the track was active (ie. that I'd hit the red button at the bottom so as to record).
The firmware is telling me that the input signal is either 'unavailable' or that there is 'no input signal' which leads me to believe it's a problem with the firmware itself. I tried downloading the latest version of the firmware but it refuses to write, so I downloaded the next down the line which wrote successfully. Could this be the problem?
I'm also wondering if it's appropriate that I downloaded the driver for Mac OS X Snow Leopard (the latest driver listed for Macs in the list)?
Anyway, I wrote to customer service and they haven't gotten back. Shitballs eh? Googled around extensively and it seems I'm not the only Mac user with this problem. There seemed to be no actual solutions on those forum discussions however, which why I'm throwing it to you guys.
Tascam us 122mkii audio interface driver 2 10 for mac os free download - Mac OS X Server Update, and many more programs. Tascam US 1641 problems with Ableton Live I'm using the Tascam US 1641 and Ableton Live on Mac OS X 10.5.8 I am not permitted to post URLs here as of yet due to site restrictions, but if you do a quick Google search you can find the product on the Tascam site along with the list of drivers/firmware that I have been struggling with. I can't believe it. I have been pushing off updating my Mac because every time I do something horrible happens. Well I had to do it for work. And then of course I learn that the Tascam US-1641 doesn't work with Mac OSX Sierra. TASCAM has developed a recording equipment and tools for music production for musicians and creators. Hey Denilso, Thanks for sharing your experience. I own an US-1641 and have exactly the same issue. I was going to upgrade the hardware and buy again a Tascam product.
Mac High Sierra 10.13 and iOS Important Notice
Tascam 1641 Drivers
To all USB Audio Interface Users:
Mac High Sierra 10.13
We at TASCAM have been diligently testing our current USB interfaces with Mac operating system 10.13 High Sierra. However testing is not complete at this time. We strongly suggest that users not update their systems until full compatibility has been confirmed.
A list of devices and test Operating Systems (Mac OS and PC only) can be found here and we will continue to update this list as our testing progresses.
NOTE: As a matter of course, we suggest that you avoid updating your OS during the production of any critical project.
iOS 11
We are also testing our USB Audio Interfaces with iOS 11, but - as always – we expect to see a number of differences between these development versions and the final release version.
We will be performing comprehensive tests on our current range of USB Audio Interfaces with the final release of iOS 11, but strongly suggest that users not update their systems until full compatibility has been confirmed.
Tascam Us 1641 Manual
![Tascam Tascam](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/musical_instruments/detail-page/tascam-US122mkII-hero-400.jpg)
NOTE: As a matter of course, we suggest that you avoid updating your OS during the production of any critical project.
Tascam Us 1641 Windows 10
Thank you.