Oldversion Skype
Free online calls, messaging, affordable international calling to mobiles or landlines and instant online meetings on Skype. This feature was available in Skype 3.x version, and has returned by popular demand. Drag-and-drop contacts from your contact list to the Instant Messaging area, or use the Conversation Send Contacts option from the main menu; This feature was available in Skype 3.x version, and has returned by popular demand. Apr 23, 2018 Hi kyee80. Unfortunately, we no longer provide the older version of Skype for Windows desktop (v.7.40) as there was an issue with the installer. Note that the issue was with the program that installs the app and not in the Skype application itself.
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Skype Change Log
- known issue: Video preview may not display on computers with Windows 2000. Video calls will work though.
- bugfix: Web URI Skype?chat did not work
- bugfix: Upgrade dialogue did not open on Skype restart
- bugfix: Skype freeze on rare cases on start-up
- bugfix: Skype may have crashed when making a call for small number of users
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