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Whether you are trying to find the IP address of a new Ubiquiti access point or one that you just simply forgot what you set its IP to, this quick guide will show you how to find the device on your network. If you have a new AP then it should already be set to from the factory unless that ip address is taken on your network.
In the Information tab, find the Change MAC Address frame. Enter new MAC address in the field and click Change Now! You may even click Random MAC Address button to fill up a randomly selected MAC address from the vendor list available. To restore the original MAC address of the network adapter, select the adapter, click Restore Original. The Unifi 6 Long Range AP requires the Unifi controller 6.0.34 or higher. The Unifi 6 Lite AP requires 5.14.3 or higher. I wonder why support is so different for these two Wifi 6.
Step 1: Download Ubiquiti locator
You can download the ubiquiti locator program here. Be sure to unzip the file. To run this program you need to have Windows and the latest version of JAVA installed.
Step 2: Run the program
Once you have unzipped the file contents, click on the program file as outline in the picture below.
Step 3: Locate the IP address
If you have JAVA properly installed, then you should see a program window like the one pictured below. There you will find the IP address of the AP radio. You can type that in to your browser to open up the admin page as pictured below. If you are unable to open the admin page by entering the IP, then you must not have the same subnet. Be sure to have a network that is of the 192.168.1.X scheme if you are connecting to the AP using its default IP of
I’m writing this down so I can find it later.
The management IP address on my Unifi US-16-XG is wrong. I’m going to change it via a combination of the controller and the CLI. Let’s hope this works.
Hope? Why hope?
Unifi switches are designed to be managed via the webgui (i.e. their controller).
I’m sure this will also work on my US-48 switch too.
Get connected and get in
I’ve done this both via ssh and via the serial port.
You can ssh to your device, using the same credentials you use on your Unifi controller. You’ll see something like this:
If you connect via the serial port, you may have to play around with the baud rate. I suggest you keep increasing it until it works. From my MacBook, this works for me:
You’re in!

OK, I’m in. Now, what do I telnet to?
In the above, you can see two items of interest:
- – the original ssh connection
- – my next connection
Here we go:
NOTE: you have to hit ENTER a second time for that Warning and prompt to appear.
Configuration mode
Let’s enable the configuration mode.
What to do next?
Ahh! I’ll try network.

I changed the IP address ( and set the gateway ( like this:
Then I altered the management VLAN:
Let’s see what we have now:
The US-48
Ubiquiti Mac Address Changer V3 0 Free Download Roblox
The US-48 had lost contact with the controller. I connected via the serial console and entered this command:
Then I checked to see what it had:
Ubiquiti Mac Address Changer V3 0 Free Download Windows 10
Good. Checking the controller, the device was connected. There was a ‘STUN Communication Failed’ message. From my reading, that will do way when I reprovision the switch, which I am about to do in order to change the management IP address.
Ubiquiti Mac Address Changer V3 0 Free Download And Install
After provisioning completed (which about a minute), info showed:
Now I need to change the management VLAN so it can communicate properly.
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Hope this helps.